Embracing Human
Embracing Human
The Secrets to a Life Fully Lived w/ Jaymin J Patel
What if you didn’t feel you needed a vacation from your life? But you could wake up each day and love the world you’ve created for yourself. That’s a fully lived life!
My guest today is Jaymin J Patel, a Growth Coach & Soul Mentor for High-Achievers.
Jaymin's mission is to help soul-aligned leaders unlock their Greatest Achievement Potential, experience the highest levels of freedom & truth, and easefully expand into even more abundance in health, wealth, & love... ...without misspending a single ounce of their precious time & energy on the oh-so-common hurdles that hold most people back.
Jaymin is the author of 8 books, a (TEDx )speaker who has delivered 500+ paid talks, and a highly sought-after, heart-driven, no-fluff, intuitive coach. Most importantly, he's a dad of two incredible kids and shares a beautiful conscious relationship with his wife, Eri.
Bonus for me - they all live a few minutes away from me, here in Bali
In this episode, we chat about Jaymin's story, including:
- Quitting his job as a top-earning consultant in the corporate world to try something new
- How to navigate the hard things while simultaneously validating your experience and moving through it
- Shifting from the achievement game to the fulfillment game
- The basics of emotional mastery and experiencing your emotions
- How to be your most authentic self
You can keep up with Jaymin on Instagram @iamjayminjpatel and on Facebook as Patel J Jaymin. There are also amazing free resources for you to check out in his Everything is Possible Facebook Group.
I'd LOVE to connect with you! Message me on Instagram at @theremoteyogi. You can also find tons of free resources on how to live with more confidence at theremoteyogi.com.
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